Programme of Events Carnival 2023

Programme of Events

Saturday 5th to Saturday 12th August 2023


Saturday 5th August

Judging of Best Decorated Business from 7pm

(Announcement of Results to take place at the Family Fun Night)


Sunday 6th August

Judging of Fun Figures Begins

Dog Show with Refreshments and Parking 1.30 for 2 pm West Street Field

Crowning of Carnival Royalty 7 pm Parish Hall

Hartland Town Band Concert 7.30 pm Parish Hall


Monday 7th August

Carnival Quiz 6.30 for 7.30 pm start Parish Hall

Teams of 4, £10.00/team.  Bring your own drinks and nibbles


Tuesday 8th August

 Carnival Bingo 6.30 for 7.30pm start Parish Hall

Bring your own drinks and nibbles

Judging of Fun Figures Ends

(Announcement of Results to take place at the Family Fun Night)


Wednesday 9th August

Family Fun Night

 BBQ, Bar, Mini Golf, Assault Course, Bubble Football, Ice Cream

Lots of Fun for All Ages, 6 pm to 9 pm on Hartland Recreation Ground

Mixed Darts Competition 8 pm for 8.15 pm Royal British Legion

Pre-register pairs, £2.00 per person

Individuals can also register and be given a partner on the night.


Thursday 10th August

Skittle Tournament 7pm Parish Hall (Licensed Bar)

Mixed Teams of 6 (age 16 and over), £12.00 per team.  Register by 9 pm Wed.


Friday 11th August

Film Matinee £2.00 each, 3.30 for 4.00 pm Parish Hall (accompanied younger patrons)

Film Night £4.00 each, 7 for 7.30 pm Parish Hall

(Military Whist will now take place in the Pavilion on Thursday 24h August)


Saturday 12th August

Grand Carnival Procession (details overleaf)

Assembly 5 pm to 5.45 pm, Classes 1-10 Northgate Green, (Parish Hall if raining).

Classes 11-18 Northgate and North Road, Judging 6 pm to 7 pm.  Procession 7 pm to 9 pm

Fun Fair in the Square

Fairground and Stalls from 4.00 pm, Food Stalls and Entertainment from 4.00pm until Midnight

(including Andy Souch Drum Workshop, Children’s Disco, Hartland Town Band

Barracwda Samba Band and Music from Over and Above)


On Saturday please park in the Car Parks available at either end of the Village

Please visit our Website or find us on Facebook and Instagram @hartlandcarnival (Detailed information on these events can be found displayed on posters around the village)